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Gds Countertop

GDS ColorFuse™ by Experience Glass for Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops

Dazzling Solid Glass Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops Experience Glass opened their doors...

Bobs Got Skills

Chula Vista Kitchen Remodel and Butcher Block by Brendan's Got Skills

This project was a challenge to partially replace an original kitchen's lower cabinetry and plumbing...

Agm Turtle

Architectural Etched Glass and Metal Works by Jay Curtis

Art Glass and Metal has been producing etched/sandblasted glass in San Diego county for over 40 year...


San Diego's Finest Stone and Tile Installations

When we say "San Diego's Finest Stone and Tile Installations", we're not just blowing smoke - we've ...

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google search results for 'architectural art glass san diegoThe idea for this website came from the need to get more exposure on Google and other search engines for some of the websites that I have built and manage for the construction and building trades. With a handful of sites under my belt in the fields of design, manufacturing, and construction, and more than a few friends in similar fields whose businesses could benefit from a strong back link profile, it seemed like a no brainer.

In researching the SEO factors of many of my clients' competitors, it didn't take long to realize that the old practice of "keyword stuffing" has been overtaken by what might be termed "website stuffing", in other words building shadow websites that are full of links back to their main website. These shadow sites contain little to no real content and are hosted on separate accounts with different IP addresses, all in order to build a stronger back link profile.

The problem with this is that these shadow websites have very little domain authority with Google, so it becomes a game of quantity over quality when it comes to link juice. Sort of a "throw a bunch of $#!& at the wall to see what sticks" tactic.

Rather than go this route, I decided to build a real website with real content that real people would actually want to read, and that Google would see as an authoritative source for all things related to San Diego County's building industries.

So here we are. Welcome aboard!

Best regards,